承受挫折 再創輝煌 - 面臨困難 Facing difficulties


Joel Osteen Quote: “Sometimes you face difficulties not because you're  doing something wrong, but because

面對任意批評誹謗 destructive criticism that are lies/false- 只管自己做對-不要在意就算全世界做錯-我一個人做對就可以了

The whole world can be wrong-doers but I will remain righteous. 

Challenge Quotes About Life and Tough Times | Everyday Power





希望你再創輝煌 幸福快樂




希望~有意义的生活~ 学习德行,因果,智慧,和动物常常在一起,被动物包围做他们的朋友。

男:想太对,考虑太多,过于诚实,喜欢科学证明的东西,喜欢逻辑的东西,非常有趣,喜欢障碍女无趣的生活~小都~不报~属龙不一样(取男生的性格特点~只要是正确的就会去做~不放在心上任何小事~不愿伤害他人~ 有风度/气度/善良~好气质~强/自我意识/自信~很像做了场梦~

女:很多人会“误区”(误解)他所说的,喜欢学习古圣先贤的教导但她的人生实在无趣每天接读书(对他人而言),男--》面对舞曲就会跳五个区域的舞,女的和他跳舞。那里都不想去,在家也什么都不做,也不冲凉也不吃饭每天发呆。大都~投入资金~善良~整部剧善非常美丽~保护动物~爱动物~永远保护自己觉得需要保护的动物~平衡修行与精彩纷呈~修炼千年-勿要为了任何人事物而丧失了自己修炼千年的功力。好不容易修炼千年-所困,受煎熬磨难~不一样女子生(取长)的性格特点~ 简单的女孩~幸福~ 简单的快乐

打斗 fighting {fun/ hilarious/dignified/fearless/muscular(manly) way}

1. 搭透 ~一透都透 Thoroughly comprehend many concepts/ideas 



2. 羞涩 Shy/bashful、难为(hard to make decisive decision) 情(embarrass) 的样子


Good values skills talents dramas 
For hundreds and thousands of legendary years, we have led a life that's peaceful/in the state of tranquility/as still as motionless spring/still.Hope we can be the illuminating light in the darkness, giving the girl hope and happiness... beautiful beautiful beautiful. Hoping for a meaningful and fulfilling life~ to have good character/wisdom/compassion education good learnings. Surrounded by animals. Gratitude/Appreciation/Goodness. Up the standards level by level. Have goals all the time and fight for it (non-relationship).  

Hoping that when others need help, you "the protectors" will always be there for them. Being subjective and objective (If you can choose, which would you choose) /take the extreme/balance

Version 1~ 3 male 1 female All in 1 
Version 2A~ 1 male 1 female 
Maverick ponders a loads on many matters and have lots of thoughts. He has too much consideration/overly honest, likes scientific proven concepts and everything about science, like things to be logical and uses logic a great deal. He is a very interesting person and loves to stop Nova from being mundane/speaking monotonously/ uninteresting/colourless life. He will be the person to make the girl's life interesting and full of vibrant colours. Living in a small village/city. He has no thoughts of revenge even when people did wrong to him.  Maverick likes to dance with the rhythm of 5 different/distinctive kinds/ways of dancing. Songs of 5 regions in the nation. He is a very interesting person and loves to stop the girl from being mundane/speaking monotonously/uninteresting/colourless life. Won many Competition as campions. Maverick loves to expressive/ affirm others & sings very powerful, positive and colourful songs. Won many Competition as campions. He is shy/bashful, hard to make decisive decision, get embarrass easily. Do what is righteous, as long as its right, I'll do it. Do not put anything that's uncrucial/unimportant in my heart. Do not want to do anything hurtful/harmful, gentlemen charismatic, heart that is able to take on much and not rage/be angered. Understand oneself well~ strength and weakness. Confidence.   

Version 2B (unique about man2)~ 1 male 1 female All Dance 
Welsey likes to dance with the rhythm of 5 different/distinctive kinds/ways of dancing. Songs of 5 regions in the nation. He is a very interesting person and loves to stop the girl from being mundane/speaking monotonously/uninteresting/colourless life. Won many Competition as campions. 

Version 2C (unique about man3)~ 1 male 1 female All Singing
Ayden loves to expressive/ affirm others & sings very powerful, positive and colourful songs. Won many Competition as campions.[Make it amusing and entertaining] He loves to not shower, not sleep, not takes meals at times/everyday. He really loves to daydream and is a dreamers dreaming about impossible dreams! Feels like a dream! 

Version 3~ 1 female   

Version 1~ 3 male 1 female All in 1 
Maverick ponders a loads on many matters and have lots of thoughts. He has too much consideration/overly honest, likes scientific proven concepts and everything about science, like things to be logical and uses logic a great deal. He is a very interesting person and loves to stop the girl from being mundane/speaking monotonously/uninteresting/colourless life. He will be the person to make the girl's life interesting and full of vibrant colours. Living in a small village/city. He has no thoughts of revenge even when people did wrong to him. He is shy/bashful, hard to make decisive decision, get embarrass easily. 

Welsey likes to dance with the rhythm of 5 different/distinctive kinds/ways of dancing. Songs of 5 regions in the nation. He is a very interesting person and loves to stop the girl from being mundane/speaking monotonously/uninteresting/colourless life. Won many Competition as campions. 

Ayden loves to expressive/ affirm others & sings very powerful, positive and colourful songs. Won many Competition as campions.[Make it amusing and entertaining] He loves to not shower, not sleep, not takes meals at times/everyday. He really loves to daydream and is a dreamers dreaming about impossible dreams!   

Both will do the following with her/ 3 of them will do them together: 
  1. Try something new. ... 
  2. Travel to new and different places. ... 
  3. Research topics you like. ... 
  4. Put yourself out there and meet new people. ... 
  5. Take up a new hobby. ...they like to engage in activities that's involving the cold and warm(snow and basking in the sun)  
  6. Volunteer your time to others. ... 
  7. Listen to podcasts on a wide range of subjects. ... 
  8. Be more spontaneous.
  9. Get creative...
  10. Be open minded ~ be open to new experience, new ideas, new people...
  11. Live the moment, appreciate life more
  12. Try something you've always been afraid of. 
  1. More curious ~ expanding your horizons 
  2. More Social 多社交~ 多和家人朋友新朋友交流spend time with family, friends doing new things, participate in things you are interested in 
  3. Being open to change~accept new challenges, adapt to new situations and experiences. More flexible in your thinking. 

Nova really a unique girl/women; really loves to learn Saints and Sages' teachings and read them everyday. She is very incontestable and a very good character person.  However, her life is very mundane and monotonous. The teachings are excellent good values teachings and has benefited her life and people around her. On the contrary, [make it hilarious]{ many people will misunderstand her in many direct/indirect/tangible/intangible ways. Whatever she says other people may input additional/eliminate meanings that's non-existence.} She lives at the periphery of the city/in the most vibrant of the city(make lots of investments) & likes to stay at home, not wanting to be outgoing/go out. However, working in a client-centric career, she become more extroverted (outgoing, loves to explore, loves to meet new people, outwards), thus becoming an extroverted cum introverted(inwards), exchanging between both. Nova and Maverick are very similar in this aspects. She likes to experiment with/read up on difficult concepts & thoroughly comprehend many concepts/ideas. She likes Maths and philosophy too. The girl is very kind and many sceneries are beautiful. Love for animals. Help animals.  Continuous/always Protecting the kind. Simple life, simple joy, wanted to be simple.   

Learn/train for thousands of years - don't loss all the practices/training due to the encounter/circumstances/people/incidents that's surrounding you - protect yourself- and all the efforts/achievements/training/good character thus far for the longest time ever! Being Subjective (feeling the heart) VS being Objective using our mind to decipher what's the best action/solution? Balance...

打斗 fighting {fun/ hilarious/dignified/fearless/muscular(manly) way}

1. 搭透 ~一透都透 Thoroughly comprehend many concepts/ideas 



2. 羞涩 Shy/bashful、难为(hard to make decisive decision) 情(embarrass) 的样子

3. 七搭八搭[ qī cháng bā dā ]


4. 有一搭没一搭[ yǒu yī dā méi yī dā ]


Like to talk aimlessly and find all kinds of topics to continue conversations

5. 屹搭搭[ yì dā dā ]

形容扭作一团。Press into a round dough. 

~搭透(能力所及,努力,体力,威力,功力,动力,活力,精力,效力,实力,透过,潜力,透露,全力,魔力)Do everything to their best abilities, dedicated, studious, excellent health, powerful,  skilful, enthusiastic, lively, energetic, being thorough when they do anything, full potential, magical

~有了宝忧愁 Gotta jewel/jem, and gotta worried/apprehensive~吃饱臭(臭豆腐)like to take the smokey smelly Tofu(骚扰)~傻childish, idiotic[funny], crazy[funny], brainless[funny]~淡mingle~聊天chitchat~疗(Medicine/Medical related中医@疗法,疗效,疗程疗养!疗穷 = 解救困穷)

~甜品/甜香(Fragrance related 甘美芳香的气味)~Auspicious天象/天祥/添香Smell very Frangrance ~天境Heavenly scene/天景heavenly beauty~逍遥自在 Carefree 

~教(Education related 教育,教学 teaching and learning ,教师,教授,教程)

All 4 龙威武神气神奇鼓励朋友坚强勇敢,融洽祥和之气。 Dragon majestic always ~ encouraging all around him to be as tough, strong and in harmony with all. Do not put anything that's uncrucial/unimportant in my heart. 

All 4 Dragon majestic always ~ Drum is the major instrument he is excellent and have the best interest in. When the drums rolled, that’s when our leader is back from all kinds of dreadful work and fatigue engulfed him all the time with endless work. All kinds of work that drains all his energy. The man will dance along with the drum roll and all drum rhythm.

All 3 Help the benevolent girl with all bad encounters/danger for a long long time...

~不伤脾胃~不伤和气 Harmonious relationship 


11 Different Types of Drums, Their Names and Exciting Facts

What Are the Different Types of Drums? | Superprof11 Different Types of Drums Explained - VerbNow160+ Small Hand Drum Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock


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